Game Review: Super Bomberman R Online on Google Stadia

Vaughn Parker
5 min readSep 8, 2020


Start Screen for Super Bomberman R Online for Google Stadia

Bomberman is a video game series that has had a cult following for decades beginning in 1983. Bomberman really became mainstream with the launch of Bomberman for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) in 1985 (Japan) / 1987 (USA). In 2020, Super Bomberman R Online was released by Konami and exclusively launched on the Google Stadia platform. Watch the video game announcement trailer here:

Konami Announcement: Super Bomberman R Online on Google Stadia

Originally, when Super Bomberman R Online was announced for the Google Stadia platform, I thought that a different game Konami had previously created named: Super Bomberman R was actually coming to Google Stadia, but with a different name; however that was not the case. Clearly, the two games have very similar — if not identical names - and maybe in the future Super Bomberman R will come to the Google Stadia platform. Watch the video game trailer for Super Bomberman R and notice the differences between the two games — primarily that Super Bomberman R has a story mode and Super Bomberman R Online does not:

Konami Announcement: Super Bomberman R

The Bomberman game series, historically, has been a puzzle game with a story mode that also allows you to play with, and against, a group of friends. It is a video game series that is tried and true with being essentially the same game setup every time with every major game release within the series. There’s a story mode, you bomb some enemies, you complete puzzle levels until you fight a series of Stage Bosses, and then you fight a final boss at the end of the game. Due to its’ simplicity, it makes it a really easy game to pick up and play at any age or video game skill level.

Super Bomberman R Online is different in that it is ONLY an online multiplayer battle royale where 64 players compete across the internet to be the last one standing, and gain the prestigious title of: Bomber One.

Super Bomberman R Online has a large choice of characters with different Bomber Types, Attack Types, Speed Types, and Unique Types to choose from thanks to a premium digital bundle exclusively offered to Google Stadia Pro Members:

Character: Black Bomber | Screenshot: Google Stadia
Character: Pink Bomber | Screenshot: Google Stadia
Character: Alucard Bomber | Screenshot: Google Stadia

To get started playing Super Bomberman R Online you select either: Quick Match (play against 64 players across the internet) or Private Match (you create a private room and invite your friends up to 16 players). If you select Quick Match, Super Bomberman R Online will search for 64 players that they can put into a multi-stage arena where you all compete against each other.

Google Stadia Screenshot: Quick Match Beginning

If you select Private Match, it will ask you some setup questions about how many players you would like to join the Private Match, what are the rules of the Private Match, which stage level would you like to compete on, and what custom number do you want your Private Match Room to be so that other players can enter the custom room number in order to join your Private Match Room.

Google Stadia Screenshot: Private Match — Select Number of Players (Shows 10 out of 16)
Google Stadia Screenshot: Private Match — Rule Settings for Private Match
Google Stadia Screenshot: Private Match — Select Level (Power Zone Selected)
Google Stadia Screenshot: Private Match — Enter Room Number (EX: 123456)

Beyond Quick Match and Private Match, Super Bomberman R Online offers game achievements in the form of In-Game Challenges & Bomber Pass. Bomber Pass is a digital content area that showcases locked and unlocked customizations for your selected Bomber, and become available as you increase your Player Level and earn more Stars. There are Bomber customization options such as: different taunt styles, different sayings, different bomb explosion effects, and different entrance poses. On the Main Start Page of Super Bomberman R Online, you can locate the In-Game Challenges, which help you get Stars to quickly build up your Player Level faster.

Google Stadia Screenshot: Bomber Pass & In-Game Challenges Listed

Super Bomberman R Online has a pretty lite & standard selection of game settings, however, I thought it was cool and unique that Super Bomberman R Online offers a dedicated online manual.

Google Stadia Screenshot: Other Menu Option — Game Settings
Konami Website Screenshot: Super Bomberman R Online — Online Manual

I have played this game on my Google Pixel 3 phone using the Claw Accessory and without the Claw Accessory, on a Laptop using a Keyboard & the Google Chrome Browser, and I have played this game on my Laptop using a Google Stadia Controller & the Google Chrome Browser.

I recommend playing this game using a Google Stadia Controller on a TV or Laptop, playing via your Laptop via the Google Chrome Browser using a Keyboard, but I would not recommend playing this game solely on your phone as the digital mobile display keyboard makes it a kind of an odd experience. However, if you choose to use the Google Stadia Controller and use the Claw Accessory to play Super Bomberman R Online on your phone, then I would recommend that.

Super Bomberman R Online is a quick and fun game that is both nostalgic and super easy to learn, whether you read the online manual or not. While I have read other blog post reviews of Super Bomberman R Online saying that there is a lack of players on Google Stadia, and that there are computer bots that you are competing against, I honestly could not notice that in the game play. That might or might not be true, because Google Stadia is not launched in every country, is a gaming platform less than a year old (~10 months), and developers decide if games are cross-platform which would open games up to more players. At the end of the day, it just does not matter. The game play experience is flawless, and you always Quick Match play with 64 players, bots or otherwise. I highly recommend this game.

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Vaughn Parker

I write about gaming on Google Stadia. Based in #Philly and #TempleMade